Fika counts as one of the most typical — or stereotypical — of Swedish habits. But what is beyond? What constitutes the everyday life of contemporary Swedish people? In this book, I have collated the most prominent traditions and habits you may encounter in Swedish society.
Loving nature, being bad at small talk, trusting public authorities drinking lots of coffee, eating tacos on Fridays, and making the most of the sunshine. This is what ‘Swedes do’. But does that mean that all Swedes love nature and coffee? No, of course not. Reality is not that simple.
Beyond fika is a book about Swedish habits, and it is built on generalisation. Not all Swedish people have the same conceptions, norms or behaviour. Still, I think knowing how most people behave and react can you help you to navigate Swedish society.
The book will be released on March 25th – pre-order at Lys förlag,.
Will also be available at Bokus and Adlibris.